Environmental Systems

Environmental Systems

An environmental management system (EMS) provide companies with a framework that allows them to monitor, improve, and control their environmental performance. At EQM Consult, we work with small and medium-sized organisations to help them reduce their negative environmental impact and increase savings by implementing EMS according to ISO 14001 or EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme).

What is ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 is an international standard that provides requirements for an environmental management system. It is designed to help companies improve their environmental performance via efficient utilisation of resources, reduction of waste while simultaneously gaining the trust of stakeholders and competitive advantage.

This standard has been developed by International Organisation for Standardization (ISO)  and is dedicated for organisations of all sizes and types regardless of the industry they operate.

It essentially requires organisations to consider all environmental issues related to its operation, such as water or sewage issues, air pollution, waste management, climate change mitigation and adaptation, soil contamination, as well as the use of resources and efficiency.

Why Your Business Needs ISO 14001

At EQM Consult, we believe that sustainability and circularity aren’t just the domain of large businesses and that environmental protection activities can and should be successfully adopted in small and medium-sized companies as well.

Business approach to improving the environmental performance is not only a strategic advantage but with the growing demand from customers and other stakeholders it will shortly become a strategic necessity.

Why You Need Environmental Audit for ISO 14001

Much like the other ISO management systems, ISO 14001 incorporates the need for continual improvement of an organisation’s operations and performance. Internal audits aims to provide information on whether the EMS is effectively implemented and maintained and conforms to requirements.

Recent trends set by society and customers encourage organisations to implement environmental management practices and reduce their negative impact. If you’re planning to implement ISO 14001 or EMAS or simply improve your environmental performance, we will be happy to help.

Benefits of ISO 14001 For Your Business

Our clients who have implemented EMS report the following benefits:

  • ISO 14001 helps in demonstrating compliance with regulatory and statutory requirements.
  • ISO 14001 helps increase employee engagement and leadership involvement while simultaneously improving the confidence of stakeholders and company reputation.
  • ISO 14001 provides a financial and competitive advantage through improvements in efficiencies and reduction in costs.
  • ISO 14001 encourages better environmental performance from the suppliers by successfully integrating them into the company’s business processes and passing environmental requirements down the supply chain.

In short, ISO 14001 helps ensure that your practices meet the requirements of the standard and signals to your customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders that you do care about the environmental issues.

Let’s Get You Started!

To enjoy the benefits of an environmental management system according to ISO 14001 or EMAS, you should work with experts. At EQM Consult, we help our customers in the implementation of ISO 14001 and EMAS. It is just a few simple steps to kick off the implementation process with EQM. We present those steps on the below infographic.

1st Infographic here  

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