3 Competencies Internal Auditor Must Have

3 Competencies Internal Auditor Must Have

It’s no secret that the pandemic has transformed the manufacturing sector world-wide. If you’re thinking of changing your manufacturing processes in the post-pandemic era, it’s better to get your company audited to identify the flaws and maximise your efficiency.

However, hiring a full-time internal auditor can be costly for a small or medium-scale business. This is why it may be better for them to outsource internal auditing services. The ability to achieve audit objectives depends on the competence of auditors, which constitutes of a mixture of behaviour, knowledge and skills gained through education, training and experience. If you’re looking to hire an internal auditor or outsource your auditing process to experienced internal auditors, here are some qualities you should look out for.

1.   Adequate Knowledge of Management Systems

If you’re looking to set up an extensive management system, you should first get top-class auditing services to any gaps in your business processes. This individual shall have adequate knowledge and skills which includes knowledge about auditing methodologies, techniques, principles and processes, knowledge about management system standards and about applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

Yes, you can hire a full-time auditor that can analyse your company frequently, but this can be costly. Luckily, there’s an affordable alternative for you. You can outsource internal audit process to auditors who know requirements and industry standards to launch an excellent management system.

2.   Top-Notch Communication Skills and Data Analysis

An auditor can rigorously analyse your company’s departments and can find alarming issues, but all the analyses will be useless if the auditor cannot effectively communicate the issues. Communication during the audit process includes both: spoken communication (e.g. during the opening meeting, closing meeting, and gathering evidences), and written communication (e.g. during the report writing).

The audit conclusion must be based on verifiable evidences gathered during the audit process. All data collected by interviews or documentation review need to be transparent, unambiguous and consistent. The report need to be clear, detailed and relevant for the purpose of the audit. Therefore it’s crucial to hire internal auditors who can efficiently convey important messages that can help you boost efficiency.

3.   Exemplary Personal Behaviour

If you want rigorous auditing reports without delay, you need to your internal auditors shall display exemplary personal behaviour. Your auditors should be able to adapt to different situations and analyse the complex processes. They should work efficiently with a team to ensure the auditing work is completed on time. Desired professional behaviour include being: ethical, open-minded, diplomatic, observant, perceptive, versatile, tenacious, decisive, self-reliant, open to improvement, culturally sensitive and collaborative.

A long list to cover, so finding the perfect internal auditor can take you an eternity, in particular if you want all boxes checked. We recommend you to consider opting for outsourcing your internal audit process to a company such EQM Consult. The outsourced auditors always work under Non-Disclosure Agreement, follows the contract and auditors Ethics Code. Read more about the benefits of outsourcing here:

Top-Class Outsourced Auditing Services Available

Can’t find an adequate internal auditor? Visit EQM Consult to outsource internal and suppliers audit obligations. We can help you find the loopholes in your company’s business processes. From launching a new quality management system to building an environmental management system, we provide a wide range of services for small and medium scaled companies.

Our team of auditors is aware of a wide range of standards, including AS 9100, AS 9145, ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and others. We provide remote and on-site outsourced audits and can extensively analyse your company’s processes and systems to help you become an eco-friendly and sustainable organisation.

You can get in touch with us here for more details on our services.

Ph.D. Beata Paliwoda

Founder and Owner of EQM. Environmental and quality consultant and auditor. Professional career built in Quality Assurance departments in various companies from the automotive, aerospace, railway industries, as well as a management systems consultant. Successfully completed many complex projects related to the implementation of management systems, process improvements and business transformation. Auditor of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, AS 9100, project manager of APM, lecturer at the Poznan University of Business and Economics, researcher on the effectiveness of EMS and QMS in organisations.

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