Terms of Service


This Terms of Service specify terms and conditions for the online ISO 14001 in 14 weeks implementation programme (www.iso14001in14weeks.co.uk) define the conditions for the conclusion of the Products’ Sales Agreements and the procedure for handling complaints and conditions for withdrawal from the Sales Agreements, as well as the types and scope of services provided electronically by the online shop operating at www.iso14001in14weeks.co.uk, the rules for the provision of these services, the conditions for the conclusion and termination of electronic services agreements.

The administrator of the Online Shop is EQM Consult Ltd. Beata Paliwoda, Company number 13390286 on the Register of Companies for England and Wales, whose registered office is at 58 Webber Street, Horley, RH6 8NQ, England.

Each Customer, upon undertaking to use the Online Shop services shall be obliged to comply with the provisions of these Terms of Service.

The Administrator reserves the right to amend this Terms of Service. The publication date of the updated Terms of Service can be found at the bottom of this page.   


Service Provider –  EQM Consult Ltd. Beata Paliwoda, Company number 13390286 on the Register of Companies for England and Wales, whose registered office is at 58 Webber Street, Horley, RH6 8NQ, England.

Price – the Product price visible in the Online Store, including all price components, including VAT, excluding delivery costs.

Product – a physical or digital product or service available in the Online Shop, which is the subject of the Sales Agreement between the Client and the Service Provider.

Sales Agreement – the Product’s sales agreement concluded between the Client and the Service Provider via the Online Shop.

Form/Forms – places on the Website where the User can provide personal data for a specified reason such as Newsletter subscription, placing an order, contact with the Administrator.

Electronic service – a service provided electronically by the Service Provider to the Customer via the Online Shop.


  1. The Online Shop sells Products via the Internet.
  2. The Products are free from physical and legal defects.
  3. The information contained on the website of the Online Shop do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions of the applicable law. By placing an Order, the Client submits to the Service Provider an offer to purchase the specified Product under the conditions specified in the Product’s description in the Online Shop.
  4. The price of the Product visible on the website of the Online Shop is binding at the time of the Client placing an Order. Any changes in the Product prices in the Online Shop, including promotions and discounts, which occur after the date of placing the Order, shall not affect the price determined in the Order placed by the Client.
  5. The condition for placing the Order in the Online Shop by the Client is getting acquainted with the Terms of Service and accepting their provisions when placing the Order.
  6. If the Service Provider is forced, for reasons beyond his control, to change the material conditions of the Product with the Client, he shall notify the Client thereof.
  7. The sales agreement shall be concluded upon the Client’s placing an Order (clicking the “Order and pay” button or another button of similar meaning), unless otherwise indicated in the Product description in the Online Shop.
  8. After placing the Order, the Service Provider confirms its receipt and acceptance of the offer by sending an e-mail to the address specified by the Client in the Order Form.


  1. The method of payment of the Products are determined by the Service Provider in the Online Shop.
  2. In the case of payment through the electronic system of payment, the Client pays before the Order is processed. The electronic system of payment allows to pay by credit card or by instant bank transfer from selected banks.
  3. The Client is required to accept the terms and conditions of the Provider before making the payment.


  1. The complaints concerning the Product should be sent by the Client to the Service Provider by e-mail to the following address: b.paliwoda@eqmconsult.com or in writing to the Service Provider’s address indicated in General Provisions.
  2. The complaint should include as much information and circumstances relating to the subject of the complaint as possible, in particular the type and date of the occurrence of irregularities and contact details.
  3. The Service Provider shall respond to the Client’s request no later than within 14 days from the date of complaint.


  1. The Client has the right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement without giving any cause within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the Sales Agreement.
  2. In order to exercise the right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement, the Client must inform the Service Provider of his decision.
  3. In order to meet the deadline for withdrawal, it is sufficient for the Client to send information about the withdrawal from the Sales Agreement to the address b.paliwoda@eqmconsult.com or in writing to the Service Provider’s address before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal.
  4. The Service Provider will refund to the Client all the payments received from the Client immediately, but no later than 14 days from the date on which the Service Provider was informed about the withdrawal from the Sales Agreement.
  5. The Service Provider will refund the payment using the same methods of payment that were used by the Client to pay for the Order, unless the Client has agreed otherwise.
  6. The right of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement applies to both the Service Provider and the Client, if the other party to the agreement fails to perform its obligations within a strict deadline.


  1. The Service Provider allows the use of the following Electronic Services via the Online Shop:
    • concluding Sales Agreements for the Products
    • sending messages through the Contact Form
    • setting up an account / customer profile in Online Training Platform
    • the ability to add comments
    • the ability to rate products
    • newsletter
    • forum
  2. The Service Provider shall have the right to place advertising content on the website of the Online Shop. This content constitutes an integral part of the Online Shop and the materials presented therein.


  1. Technical requirements necessary for compatibility with the IT system used by the Service Provider:
    • a computer (or mobile device) with Internet access,
    • access to e-mail,
    • Internet browser,
    • enabling Cookies and Javascript in the browser.
  2. The Client is obliged to:
    • use the Online Shop in a manner compliant with the law and good practice, taking into consideration personal rights and intellectual property rights of third parties;
    • enter the data consistent with the facts;
    • refrain from providing illegal content in the Online Shop, in particular in the Contact Form or Order Form
  3. Audit Support service may additionally include help in conducting Client’s ISO 14001 internal audits, support during the Client’s certification audit or help in potential non-conformity closure as per Clients demand.
  4. The Audit Support is based on hourly allowance – maximum 35 hours of support to be used by the Client.
  5. The Audit Support may be either on-site or virtual based on the agreement with the Client.
  6. For on-site support additional charges related to travel costs will apply.


  1. All the content posted in the Online Shop enjoy copyright protection and is the property of the Service Provider.
  2. Companies that have purchased the programme have the right to use and modify the materials to suit their needs for internal use only. However, the materials cannot be resold, redistributed, or transferred to other companies or individuals not involved in the programme, in part or in whole, without prior written consent from Service Provider.
  3. Any unauthorised reproduction, distribution, or transfer of these materials is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
  4. Any use by anyone, without the express written consent of the Service Provider, of any of the elements comprising the content of the Online Shop, shall constitute an infringement of the Service Provider’s copyright and shall result in civil and criminal liability.
  5. By purchasing the programme, companies agree to respect these terms and conditions and use the materials only for their intended purposes.


  1. The agreements concluded through the Online Shop shall be concluded in accordance with the UK law.
  2. In the event that any part of the Terms of Service is incompliant with the applicable law, the relevant provisions of UK law shall apply in place of the questioned provision of the Terms of Service.
  3. Any disputes arising from the Sales Agreements between the Service Provider and the Client will be settled primarily by means of negotiations, with the intention to settle the dispute amicably, taking into consideration the act on extrajudicial resolution of consumer disputes. However, if this would not be possible or would be unsatisfactory to either party, the disputes shall be resolved by the competent common court.


(this form must be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the agreement)

Addressee: EQM Consult Ltd. Beata Paliwoda, 58 Webber Street, Horley, RH6 8NQ, England. b.paliwoda@eqmconsult.com

I/We(*) hereby inform(*) of my/our withdrawal from the sales agreement for the following items(*) the supply agreement of the following items(*) the contract for specific work consisting in the manufacturing of the following items(*)/provision of the following service(*)

Date of conclusion of the agreement(*)/receipt(*)

Client name

Client address

Client signature (only if the form is sent in paper version)


(*) Delete as appropriate.

Publication date of Terms of Service: 04.01.2023
Date of the latest update: 11.03.2023