What To Look for When Hiring an Environmental Consultant

What To Look for When Hiring an Environmental Consultant

Environmental consultants can help companies implement environmental management systems such as ISO 14001 or EMAS and consequently reduce their carbon footprint and save time and money in the long run. These experienced individuals or firms are hired for their expertise in environmental matters. However, finding the right environmental consultant can be challenging, especially when all firms are different. (more…)
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The Basic Things About Internal and Supplier Auditing

The Basic Things About Internal and Supplier Auditing

Audit, EMS, QMS
Customers are the heart of any business. With several competitors arising in the industry, companies are focusing on improving, developing, and transforming customer experience to make a name for themselves in the crowd. Quality is one of the most important factors that determine customer satisfaction, this is why it’s important to scrutinise, review and audit all management systems. If you’re new to the world of auditing, here’s everything you need to know about internal auditing and supplier auditing. (more…)
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Basic Things You Need To Know About EASA Part 145

Basic Things You Need To Know About EASA Part 145

Aerospace compliance, QMS
EASA Part 145 regulates the approval for aircraft maintenance. It allows organisations to authorise specific individuals to certify aircraft maintenance tasks. Approval holders provide maintenance services in accordance with European Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014. European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is a main authority in Europe responsible for civil aviation safety. Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is the national aviation authority operating in the UK.  In the case of US based organisations, EASA Part 145 work in sync with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards. EASA Part 145 Regulation EASA Part 145 describes requirements for continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks. Part 145 contain requirements for few essential elements regarding: Facilities, Personnel (including requirement for Human…
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4 Services EQM Consult Offers

4 Services EQM Consult Offers

In today’s economic environment, businesses across the globe find it hard to stand out from the crowd and stay ahead in the game. This is why it’s important to focus on tightening operations. This is where EQM Consult experts come to the rescue. We cater to small and medium-sized enterprises with the aim of helping businesses grow to their full potential. Here are some of the services we offer: (more…)
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Benefits of Improving Environmental Performance

Benefits of Improving Environmental Performance

Businesses around the world are in a long-term debate about how their practices affect climate and the environment. How they can protect the interests of their business, while simultaneously doing good for the environment? The answer to this is to implement an internationally recognised Environmental Management System (EMS) . This won’t only control your environmental impact, but also boost your profit potential. ISO 14001 is an international standard for environmental management that’s being used by both big and small organizations across the globe. Here are some benefits of implementing this standard and improving your environmental performance: (more…)
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What is ISO certification and How Can it Affect Your Business

What is ISO certification and How Can it Affect Your Business

When it comes to the global market, maintaining consistency and quality in all sectors is critical. This not only help ensure customer satisfaction but also reduces the risk of faulty goods. Complying with international standards helps in keeping a level playing field, so you don’t only build a solid reputation, but also boost productivity and performance . One of the most popular certifications in the UK is the ISO 9001 from the International Organization for Standardization. (more…)
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Understanding the Importance of Quality Standards

Understanding the Importance of Quality Standards

Quality is always king. Whether it’s the food we eat, the products we use, or the services we hire, quality is always king. For every company, in every industry, the higher the quality standards, the greater the customer retention. Here’s how and why quality standards affect customer satisfaction. (more…)
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FAQs about Environmental Management Systems

FAQs about Environmental Management Systems

In today’s world, environmental management is becoming an increasingly crucial factor. Companies across the globe are expected to manage their business’ impact on the environment. This is where environmental management systems such ISO 14001 or EMAS come into play. These systems help the organisation in improving their overall performance, boost their image and significantly reduce costs. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about this system. (more…)
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