Do I need a Consulting Company to Help me with ISO Certification? 3 Things to Consider When Hiring one

Do I need a Consulting Company to Help me with ISO Certification? 3 Things to Consider When Hiring one

Businesses require a team of qualified and skilled individuals to thrive in the marketplace. When it comes to the implementation of a new management system in the company, such as quality management system (e.g. ISO 9001) or environmental management system (e.g. ISO 14001) one of the questions that arises at the very beginning is whether to use the consultancy services or do it with the use of sole internal resources. (more…)
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What is Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Why Is It Important?

What is Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Why Is It Important?

Aerospace compliance, QMS
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) in the aerospace and automotive industries plays a crucial role. The aerospace APQP is based on AS 9145 standards. The APQP concept comes from the automotive industry and has been modified for the aerospace application to face challenges and uniqueness of the aerospace industry (low volume – high mix, long life cycles, high level of regulation).  (more…)
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6 Ways ISO Certification Can Help Improve Your Profits and Scale Your Business

6 Ways ISO Certification Can Help Improve Your Profits and Scale Your Business

The competition in today's crowded business world is fierce and entrepreneurs must do more and more to succeed. You can have your product or service selling like hot cakes and you can have an extremely receptive target market as well, but a scaling strategy is what sets a small business or start-up, and profitable organization apart from each other. If you are interested how the ISO certification can help you to scale your business and increase profit, keep reading. (more…)
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How to Conduct a Virtual Audit and How It Is Different From an On-Site Audit

How to Conduct a Virtual Audit and How It Is Different From an On-Site Audit

Audit, EMS, QMS
A virtual audit, also referred to as a remote audit, is a paperless method of conducting an audit using technology and electronic methods for communication such as video-conferencing. During virtual audit the auditor evaluates policies, processes, procedures and personnel in real time through information and communication technologies (i.e. via screen sharing functions). (more…)
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