Quality Systems

Quality Systems

At EQM Consult, we help clients implement quality management systems (QMS) like ISO 9001 and AS 9100. We strive to help them improve their current business processes to ensure compliance, reduce non-conformities, and boost effectiveness.

What is ISO 9001 and who is it for?

ISO 9001 is an international quality management standard describing the general requirements regarding a quality management system. This standard has been developed by International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) and applies to any organisation, regardless of type, size, and industry of operations.

What is AS 9100 and who is it for?

AS 9100 is a quality management standard explicitly dedicated to the aviation, space, and defence industry. AS 9100 includes ISO 9001 QMS requirements plus specific additional aviation, space, and defence industry requirements. It has been prepared by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG).

What are the benefits of the implementation of QMS?

There are many benefits of a Quality Management System. It helps to boost staff performance and productivity, increase credibility, build customer trust, and save money.

To find out more about the benefits of ISO 9001 certification, read:

  • Does My Company Really Need ISO – 8 Ways ISO Certification Can Help Your Business 
  • 6 Ways ISO Certification Can Help Improve Your Profits and Scale Your Business (Link to Article 1)*Please put this Article on the EQM website – this should be internal  link to EQM not external to tumblr or whatever and other articles as well please)*

More than any other section of a business, Quality Management has undergone a drastic transformation in the past decades. Businesses have realised that providing ‘good quality’ isn’t only about meeting customers’ requirements and minimising defects in the products and services. Instead, a quality management system primarily works towards reducing risk in the whole business.

A Focus on Your Business Needs

At EQM Consult, we formulate quality management systems with a mindset that one size doesn’t fit all. Effective implementation of quality management systems requires an in-depth understanding of the business’s status quo, the context of an organisation, and motivation to transform the company. Our quality management specialists take the following into account:

  • Existing capability
  • Development plans
  • Competitive pressures
  • Strategic objectives
  • Information Systems capability
  • Organisational maturity

Our quality management specialists work closely with the client’s senior leadership to detect operating and strategic gaps to develop a customised quality management system, roadmap for the implementation, metrics for analysis, and an implementation plan covering the short, medium, and long-term goals.

Let’s Get You Started!

If you would like to enjoy the benefits of a quality management system, working with an expert is a great idea. At EQM Consult, we help our customers in the implementation of ISO 9001 and AS 9100. It is just a few simple steps to kick off the implementation process with EQM. We present those steps on the below infographic.

1st Infographic here  

To get in touch with our expert consultants, fill the contact form, and we’ll get back to you.